Empowering Citizens Through Inclusive Development

Internet dost

The Main objective of this assignment is to Train 12,000 women form the underprivileged and poor socio-economic class of KPK through Internet Dost Program.


National Rural Support Programme (NRSP)/ Google 

Period of Award

6.5 Months - 15 Jan 2024 to 30 Jun 2024

Supporting private sector to keep critical civic space open in KPK

Strengthening women chambers of commerce and industries in KP.


Center for International Private Enterprise

Period of Award

18 Months - 1st Oct 2023 to 25th Mar 2025

Strengthening capacities For improved Management of local Revenues and local Services

The objective of the project Strengthening Capacities for Improved Management of Local Revenues and Local Services. The project aims at Strengthening capacities of the local governments for provision of improved local.



Period of Award

1 Year - 18 Sep 2023 to 30 Sep 2024

Institutional Assessment of KPK Information Commission

Institutional Assessment of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Information Commission



Period of Award

3 Months - 23 Jun 2023 to 29 Sep 2023

Conducting of Digital Literacy Trainings under internet dost project

The Main objective of this assignment is to Train 3000 women form the underprivileged and poor socio-economic class of KPK through Internet Dost Program. 


National Rural Support Programme (NRSP)

Period of Award

3 Months - Jun 2023 to Aug 2023

Support to the local government department of KPK for framing legal framework to protect the social customs of religious minority in Chitral Dist. of KPK.

Drafting of Kalash Marriage Act


Open Society Foundation (OSF)

Period of Award

1st Nov 2022, 31st Dec 2023

Improving Transparency and Public Service Delivery in Merged Areas through Effective Implementation of RTI and RTS Laws

Improving Transparency and Public Service Delivery in Merged Areas through Effective Implementation of RTI and RTS Laws



Period of Award

1st Apr 2020, 30th Sep 2020.

Improving Local Governance in KPK

a)     Capacity of the newly elected LG representatives in KP Improved

b)     Citizens are able to hold LG representatives accountable in merged areas 


National Endowment for Democracy (NED)

Period of Award

1st May 2022 to 30th Apr 2024

Online civic services

Establishment of civic facilitation in two TMAs of KP 


Sub-National Governance (SNG)

Period of Award

9 Months - 1st Feb 2022 to Oct-2022

To support market-oriented economic think tanks and civil society in the province of KPK

To establish the Peshawar Economic Development Unit (EDU), and strengthening private sector for effective advocacy on improving entrepreneurship ecosystem in KP. 


Center for International Private Enterprise

Period of Award

24 Months -1st Jul 2021 to 30th Jun 2023

Advocacy Campaign for Effective Local Governments in KPK

To improve the legislative framework for an effective, democratic, and accountable local government system in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa To strengthen citizen voices advocating for timely local elections and a functional democratic local government system


National Endowment for Democracy (NED)

Period of Award

12 Months - 1st May 2020 to 30th Apr 2021

GIS enabled automated property valuation model 

Property Valuation Framework Development, Testing and Implementation, Literature view, property valuation framework Development, Identifying unregistered properties


Sub-National Governance (SNG)

Period of Award

15 Months - 1st Jan 2020 to 31th Mar 2021

Improving Social Protection Systems for workers in the informal sector

The project is intensively focused on desk research by the legal and financial experts to review the relevant laws and policy frameworks at Provincial, national, and international level. The findings will be compiled in comprehensive compendium for advocacy at provincial and national level.


Foundation Open Society Institute (FOSI)

Period of Award

9 Months - Nov 1st  2020 to Aug 1st, 2021

Strengthening Governance and transparency in merged districts of KP

Implementation of 25th constitutional amendment, analysis of former FATA development budgets


National Endowment for Democracy (NED)

Period of Award

1 Year - 01 May 2020 to 30 Apr 2021

Improving Public Service Delivery through Right to Information in Post-Conflict Areas of KPK

Empowering Vulnerable Populations and aims to enable 75 journalists and 25 civil society representatives around one third women- from 14 districts in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) province including seven Newly Merged Districts (NMDs), in using provincial and federal laws on right to information (RTI) to track allocation, utilization and spending of public resources in provincial and local government budgets.


Trust for Democratic Education and Accountability (TDEA) - Ambassador's Fund Grant Program (AFGP)

Period of Award

Oct 2019 to May 2020

Strengthening Electoral and Legislative Processes (SELP) Project

Registration CNIC of 2423 women in District Haripur


Trust for Democratic education &Accountability (TDEA)-UNDP

Period of Award

01 Nov 2019 to 15 Apr 2020

Strengthening Electoral and Legislative Processes

Registration CNIC of 3500 women in District Haripur


Trust for Democratic education &Accountability (TDEA) 

Period of Award

Apr 2019 to Nov 2019 

Right to Information Program Support OSFP General Support

Implementation of KP RTI Act 2013 in the merged Districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 


Foundation Open Society Institute (FOSI)

Period of Award

1 Year - 01 Aug 2019 to 31 July 2020

Advocacy Campaign for Governance Reforms in FATA

Implementation of 25thconstitutional amendment, analysis of former FATA development budgets


National Endowment for Democracy (NED)

Period of Award

1 Year - 01 May 2019 to 30 Apr 2020

Right to Information Program Support OSFP General Support

Implementation of KP RTI Act 2013 in the merged Districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 


Foundation Open Society Institute (FOSI)

Period of Award

1 Year - 01 Jul 2018 to 30 Jun 2019

Advocacy Campaign for Governance Reforms in FATA

Campaign for constitutional amendment so FATA can be merged into Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. 


National Endowment for Democracy (NED)

Period of Award

1 Year - 01 May 2018 to 30 Apr 2019

Supporting Good Governance through Improved Access to Information

Training of PIOs and CSOs on KP Local Government Act 2013


DAI, USAID’s Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Governance Project

Period of Award

3 Months - 18 Jul 2018 to 30 Sep 2018

Strengthening Electoral and Legislative Processes

Women voters registration in District Swabi


Trust for Democratic education &Accountability (TDEA) 

Period of Award

Nov 2017 to Apr 2018 

Training local government representatives in Bannue Dist. Phase-2

Training of 1,200 local government representatives in Bannue Districts. 


DAI, USAID’s Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Governance Project

Period of Award

20 Mar 2018 to 31 May 2018

Training of Journalist on Reforms in FATA Governance Project

Training of Journalist on Reforms in FATA Governance Project on 25th Constitution.



Period of Award

24th Sep 2018 to 10th  Nov 2018 

KFW Health Protection Programme

Health Insurance survey in Gilgit-Baltistan



Period of Award

1st Jul 2018 to 31 Aug 2018

Synergy Exercise, Girls Education and Taxation 

The synergy exercise aims at developing Oxfam strategy through secondary sources and indepth interviews with partners.



Period of Award

1 Month - December 2017

Support to KhwendoHimmat-o-Ranra (KHOR) for Women Empowerment in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA)

This is a passthrough grant for support KHOR organization to carry out advocacy campaign for FATA governance reforms.


Foundation Open Society Institute (FOSI)

Period of Award

6 Months - Dec 2017 to May 2018

Support to Right to Information Program

This is support to CGPA’s core programme for implementation of KP Right to Information law in KP, which include support to KP RTI commission in running help desk, drafting rules of business, ensuring proactive disclosure by departments, training of LG representatives and public officials on RTI. 


Foundation Open Society Institute (FOSI)

Period of Award

1 Year - Jul 2017 to Jun 2018 

Training local government representatives in Bannue District

Total 1,735 Local Government Representatives are being trained on LG law, rules, budgeting and planning processes in Bannue district. 


DAI, USAID’s Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Governance Project

Period of Award

8 Months - May 2017 to Dec 2017

Social Audit on Service Delivery Facilities by Community Members in Mardan District

CGPA conducted Community Social Audit of two Tehsil Headquarter hospitals and one water and sanitation schemes. The embezzlement found is reported to KP Ehtisab Commission. 


Foundation Open Society Institute (FOSI)

Period of Award

1 Year - Nov 2016 to Oct 2017

Training on the Right to Information Act, KPK for Public Information Officers in districts of KP 

CGPA conducted training of 250 Public Information Officers (PIOs) in 10 districts of KP on KP Right to Information Act 2013. 



Period of Award

2 Months - Dec 2016 to Jan 2017

Assessing the Legislative and Policy Framework in KPK on SDG 5

This was a study to find legislative and policy gaps for implementation of the SDG-5 related to gender equality. The final report has been submitted to UNDP.



Period of Award

Oct 2016 – Jan 2017

KFW Health Insurance Survey in GB

The survey was conducted in Gilgit Baltistan for assessing the impact of health insurance.



Period of Award

2 Months - Oct 2016 – Nov 2016

Social Audit of Five DHQ Hospitals in KP

CGPA conducted social audit of five headquarter hospitals in Mardan, Swabi, Nowshera, Mardan and Kohat. 


DAI – Aawaz under DFID grant. 

Period of Award

5 Months - Oct 2016 – Feb 2017

Engagement of Civil Society for Training Aspiring Women Candidates in DI Khan and Kohat

CGPA trained 600 aspirant women in Kohat and D.I.Khan on electoral process. 



Period of Award

5 Months - Sep 2016 – Jan 2017

Monitoring of Legislators’ Performance

CGPA assessed the legislative performance of MPAs


Foundation Open Society Institute (FOSI)

Period of Award

1 Year - July 2016 – July 2017

Improving Public Service Delivery through Civic Participaton by Effective Implementation of KP Good Governance Legislative Framework

Under this project CGPA focused on awareness raising of three laws, KP Right to Information, Right to Public Services and Local Government Act 2014. 


Small Grants and Ambassador Fund Project (SG&AFP) managed by RSPN and funded by USAID

Period of Award

1 Year - May 2016 – Apr 2017

Advoacy Campaing for FATA Governance Reforms 

CGPA tracked FATA development budget and conducted training for FATA based CSOs, conducted 30 awareness sessions.


National Endowment for Democracy (NED)

Period of Award

May 2016 to April 2017

Support to KP Government in Effective Implementation of KP Local Government Act 2013 in District Abbottabad

CGPA trained 7,00 LG representatives in Havelian Tehsil of Abbottabad district. 


Citizens’ Voice Project, USAID

Period of Award

May 2016 – Nov 2016

Support to KP Government in Effective Implementation of KP Local Government Act 2013 in District Swabi

Under this project CGPA trained 1,300 local government representatives in Swabi district. 


Citizens’ Voice Project, USAID

Period of Award

May 2016 – Nov 2016

Improving Citizens’ Right to Information in KP

Under this project CGPA trained 120 public information officers from KP Secretariat and Peshawar district. Also developed radio spots for airing on FM radio channels and documentary on RTI implementation. 


DAI, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Governance Project (KPG), USAID

Period of Award

Jan 2016 – Dec 2016

Legislative Review and Gap Analysis Study on Rule of Law and Human Rights Protection in KP

CGPA conducted this study through primary and secondary sources and submitted report to UNDP. 



Period of Award

Nov 2015 – Dec 2015

Consulting Services for Health Survey of 3,000 households

To assess the impact of health insurance in five districts of KP. 


Rural Support Programmes Network (RSPN)

Period of Award

May 2015 - Dec 2015

Strengthening RTI Regime for Open Governance in KP

CGPA conducted trainings for media and civil society in five districts, developed awareness material and awareness sessions in 10 universities of KP


Foundation Open Society Institute (FOSI)

Period of Award

Jun 2015 - May 2016

Advocacy Campaign for Governace Reforms in Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) of Pakistan

CGPA conducted study on ‘State of Implementation of Laws extended to FATA’ conducted trainings for 20 CSOs members and 25 awareness sessions in various agencies of FATA for 500 community members. 


National Endowment for Democracy

Period of Award

Apr 2015 - Mar 2016

Support to Development Planning in KP (8 training workshop on KP Local Government, strengthen citizens’ voice on development planning’.

CGPA conducted trainings for GIZ community members in Nowshera and Haripur districts. 



Period of Award

Feb 2015 - Apr 2015

Strengthening Voices of Women and Excluded Groups for Transparent and Accountable Public Service Delivery

Evidence generated depicting issues in allocation and utilization of development budgets at provincial level and in five focus districts (Swabi, Mardan, Nowshera, Charsadda and Peshawar districts) needs of women and excluded groups in first three months of the projects. Women and excluded groups voices strengthened for improving social service delivery through social audit of 15 development schemes in health, education, water and sanitation (3 in each five focus districts) during the life of the project 


DFID under AWAZ’s Response Fund

Period of Award

Jan 2015 - Dec 2015

Strengthening Transparency and Accountability Regime through Effective Implementation of KP RTI & RTS Law

CGPA conducted theatre shows, training of PIOs, journalists and CSOs members on KP RTI, supported information commission help desk, run media campaign and published leaflets and brochures on RTI. 


Citizens’ Voice Project, USAID

Period of Award

Jan 2015 - Dec 2015

Social Audit of Water and Sanitation Scheme at Mardan District

CGPA conducted community social audit of water and sanitation schemes


Foundation Open Society Institute (FOSI)

Period of Award

Jan 2015 - Dec 2015

International Advocacy for FATA Governance Reforms

CGPA engaged the international community, embassies and bilateral institution on FATA reforms. Also conducted national seminar on FATA reforms in Islamabad. 


Foundation Open Society Institute (FOSI)

Period of Award

Sep 2014 - Aug 2015

Improving Public Sector Education Service Delivery in KP and FATA

Conduced education budgets analysis in five district, school based management, and education transparency and accountability. 


DFID under AlifAilaan Project

Period of Award

Jan 2015 - Dec 2015

Improving Primary Education Governance in KP 

This project focused on ensuring transparency and accountability in education budgets, tracked education budgets in five districts of KP. 


DFID under Sub-National Governance, District Development Challenge Fund Project 

Period of Award

Sep 2014 - Aug 2015

Advocacy Campaign for Governance Reforms in FATA

CGPA conducted study on ‘FATA, between constitutional ambiguity and violation of human rights’ held seminar in Islamabad and training of journalists and FATA based CSOs on human rights in FATA. 


National Endowment for Democracy (NED)

Period of Award

May 2014 - Apr 2015

Strengthening Social Accountability through Effective Implementation of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa RTI Law

Instrumental use of KP RTI law for transparency in health and education budgets and judicial accountability. 


Foundation Open Society Institute (FOSI)

Period of Award

Jan 2014 - Dec 2014

Improving Social Accountability in Education Sector in KP 

Conducted budgets advocacy in education sector in two districts of KP. Organised provincial seminar of all District Education officers in Peshawar. 


UKAID under Ilm Ideas 

Period of Award

Dec 2013 - Feb 2015

Strengthening Citizens Voice to Improve Social Accountability in KP

Supported KP RTI commission in organising awareness sessions on KP RTI law in universities, colleges, TV talks shows, radio programmes. 


Foundation Open Society Institute (FOSI)

Period of Award

Jul 2013 - Jun 2014

Advocacy Campaign for Right to Information in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province

Advocacy campaign designed for enactment of KP RTI law, which was later enacted in November 2013. 


KIOS-Finnish NGOs Network for Human Rights

Period of Award

Mar 2013 - Sep 2013

Survey to investigate extension of the involvement of Lady Health Workers (LHWs) and their contribution to implementation of Expanded Programme on Immunization (EPI)

Conducted households survey on EPI in three districts of KP 


Centre for Public Policy Research (CPPR) IMSciences / UNICEF

Period of Award

Jan 2013 - Mar 2013 

Promoting Public Accountability at Local Level 

Conducted budgets analysis of Town-III, Peshawar. 


Foundation Open Society Institute (FOSI)

Period of Award

Dec 2012 - Nov 2013