Centre for Governance and Public Accountability (CGPA) is a not-for-profit, non-governmental, non-partisan, civil society organization working for the promotion of public accountability and good governance. CGPA was established in 2011, and registered in January 2012 under the Societies Registration Act, 1860. CGPA is governed by a Board of Directors, comprising of seven members.


To be a leader in research-based advocacy and capacity building on governance and public accountability in Pakistan. To be a leader in research-based advocacy and capacity building on governance and public accountability in Pakistan.


Realization of just, inclusive and equitable society where citizens can lead their political,

social, and economic life to their full potentialities with lasting peace, rule

of law, and democracy


The establishment of CGPA stems from the realization that failure of governance and lack of public accountability has led to a trust deficit between state and society in Pakistan. The importance of good governance, rule of law and public accountability for stabilization and conflict transformation cannot be overlooked. This is specifically true about the areas, which are worst affected by conflict and terrorism in Pakistan.

CGPA believes that key to resolving conflict and underdevelopment in Pakistan is bridging the gap between citizens and state and building citizens’ trust in state institutions. CGPA approaches this issue by articulating and promoting citizens’ voices on key governance issues and strengthening state’s response to citizens’ grievances. Generating active and responsible citizenry is central to CGPA strategy for public accountability. CGPA believes in constructive engagement with state entities for promotion of organization’s objectives.

List of BOD for the Year 2024          

Naveed Iqbal


Wisal Muhammad


Muslim Khan


Professor Saleh Muhammad (PhD)


Madiha Saleem


Mr. Husan Taj


Irum Azmat



Arsalan Haneef - Advisor CGPA
Arsalan Haneef

Arsalan Haneef is a former civil servant who has two master’s degrees—one in economics (Pakistan) and the other in accounting (USA). He started his career as civil servant and worked as advisory consultant also intermittently till 2015 when he left civil service to focus on the work that interests him. For the most part, he has been involved in implementation of PFM reforms at national and sub-national levels. Key areas where he has delivered significant outputs include

  1. automation of budgeting, accounting and financial reporting system at federal and provincial levels
  2. Establishment of access to justice fund in the supreme court of Pakistan and citizens-institutions platform for improved service deliver delivery
  3. Climate change expenditure tracking system and integration of climate considerations in medium-term planning and budgeting process at federal and provincial levels
  4. Development of labor market information system; (e) performance grants system for federal government;
  5. Government auditing reforms, including the implementation of Audit Management Information System (AMIS), Citizens Participatory Audits etc.
  6. E-procurement system in government
  7. Integration of innovative approaches in public procurements to graduate BISP’s beneficiaries out of poverty
  8. Innovative service delivery models in KP and Punjab for provisioning of basic health and education services
  9. Public private partnerships etc.

He has experience of working with all leading donors i.e. World Bank, USAID, DFID, UNDP, UNIDO, ADB, IFAD. Apart from Pakistan, he has also worked in Egypt, Austria, India, UAE, Norway, the Philippine and several countries of West Africa.

Syed Aamer Abdullah (PhD) - CGPA Advisor
Syed Aamer Abdullah (PhD)

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  • In non libero imperdiet, pretium tellus in, vulputate sem.
  • Duis et erat vitae arcu ornare iaculis.
  • Suspendisse consectetur quam in tortor mollis, ut congue tellus vehicula.
  • Quisque vitae leo pharetra, tempor urna vitae, tincidunt tortor.
  • Cras volutpat justo a tristique elementum.
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  • Phasellus fringilla elit in risus aliquet rhoncus.
  • Praesent nec massa consectetur metus sagittis hendrerit.


Muhammad Anwar - Executive Director CGPA

Muhammad Anwar

Executive Director

Babar Jamil

Program Manager

Asim Babar

Manager Finance

Saira Qureshi

Project Manager


Research Assistant

Deedar Khan - Admin Officer CGPA

Deedar KHAN

Admin Officer

Suleman Ghani - Admin Officer - CGPA Team

Suleman Ghani

Admin Officer

Shahzad ASGHAR

Finance Officer

Kiran Shah Tawab

Project Officer

Shahzadi Rubab Zeb - Program Officer CGPA

Shahzadi Rubab Zeb

Program Officer


District Supervisor Lower Dir - Internet Dost Programme

Sadia - District Supervisor kohat Internet Dost Programme


District Supervisor kohat Internet Dost Programme


Supervisor Chitral - Internet Dost Programme

Sabroon - District Supervisor Swat


District Supervisor Swat - Internet Dost Programme

Sarwat - District Supervisor Upper Dir - Internet Dost Programme


District Supervisor Upper Dir - Internet Dost Programme

Ms. Shazia - District Supervisor Mansehra - Internet Dost Programme


District Supervisor Mansehra - Internet Dost Programme

Khesrud Din Shah -Dikhan division - Field Coordinator - CGPA Team

Khesrud Din Shah

Field Coordinator - D.I.khan Division

Azmat Ullah

Field Coordinator - Peshawar Division

Farman Ali - Field Coordinator - Malakand Division - CGPA Team

Farman Ali

Field Coordinator - Malakand Division

Zil e Huma Durrani - Field Coordinator - Hazara Division - CGPA Team

Zil e Huma Durrani

Field Coordinator - Hazara Division

Ayub John






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